Tricky Tricky - Maria Pia Mosquera


Triqui triqui Halloween
quiero dulces para mí,
sino hay dulces para mí

se te crece la nariz

(Colombian Halloween song)

From pagan ritual to Christian holiday, to over-commercialised festivity, Halloween has its origins in the universal celebration of the bounty of the harvest and the coming of the long night of winter. As darkness falls, the dead, joined by creatures of the night, reveal themselves and the inevitable darkness that awaits us all.

Inspired by childhood memories, TRICKY TRICKY is a mischievous trip, full of characters from folklore and popular culture. Ghouls, devils, ghosts, monsters and witches come together in a wicked danse macabre to help us remember the dead and celebrate the living.    

It couldn't be a Halloween show without some trick or treat! Join us on Saturday October 29 at the gallery, for COME AS YOU AREN’T an afternoon of spookiness. Trick or treat for the kids, best-dressed prizes and introducing the phantasmagorical band Dead Nun for your scary entertainment. See you there, 3-6pm!

Join us for opening night of D/O.65 TRICKY TRICKY

Thursday October 20th from 6pm-8pm

And remember to stop by for our

‘Come as you aren’t’ Halloween Event


Maria’s work will be on display from

October 19th through November 5th at Disorder Gallery