Disorder Gallery is excited to present the work of self taught, Sydney artist Rebecca Trajkovski.

Rebecca has shown her work at The Other Art Fair in Sydney (2019), and her works have featured as finalist pieces in art prizes, including winner of the Local Artist Prize in the Georges River Art Prize (2019), Runner up in the Aspire Gallery Foot Square Art Prize (2019) and finalist in the Blacktown City Art Prize and the Waverley Art Prize.

According to Rebecca "Starting my artistic journey as a child the desire to create art that I attained has now become an unyielding obligation to myself to explore the inner mechanism of my creative consciousness. From small paintings to large scale projects, my art is a highly-personal reflection of myself.”


D/O.42 Rebecca Trajkovski will be available to preview on Wednesday September 2nd from 12-5pm and will be on display through Saturday September 19th at Disorder Gallery.

We will also offer you opportunities to meet Rebecca and talk with her about her work throughout the exhibition. Just follow us on social media for details.