Fractured Visions: A Tapestry of Transcendence

Michael Saker & Wolfgang Saker


In a swirling maelstrom of colors, symbols, and raw emotion, "Fractured Visions" emerges as an abstract odyssey that defies conventional norms. This free-form exploration of the soul delves into the realms of spontaneity and provocation, channeling the artist's own experiences as an ethnic minority, vilified and marginalized, yet resilient and transcendent.

With a rebellious spirit and a dyslexic twist, each stroke of paint becomes a battle cry against conformity, an act of defiance against the societal constructs that seek to confine and stifle. Action painting becomes a conduit for the artist's unyielding search for connection amidst the chaos of existence.

Drawing upon over 49 years of alternative artistic expression, this collection serves as a testament to a multifaceted life journey. It bears witness to the artist's transformation, from a recovering addict to a father, a shamanic sojourner navigating the intricacies of existence. A path strewn with accolades as a winner of short films, a thespian who has graced stages, and a painter of captivating sets.

Yet, adversity has cast its shadow, leaving the artist as a handicapped survivor. In this crucible, the essence of their creativity burns brighter, illuminating the depths of the human experience. Words become tangled, rearranged, and reborn, reflecting the dyslexic lens through which the artist perceives the world.

Unearthing the soul of the urban primitive, this collection embodies the raw energy of the underground, challenging preconceived notions and blurring the boundaries of convention. It invites you to embrace the enigmatic, to transcend the mundane, and to embark on a surreal pilgrimage through the recesses of the human psyche.

"Fractured Visions: A Tapestry of Transcendence" beckons you to join this artistic voyage, to immerse yourself in the uncharted territories of expression, and to unravel the secrets woven within each stroke, each word, each brush with the extraordinary.


Please join us for opening night of

D/O.73 Fractured Visions: A Tapestry of Transcendence

on Thursday June 29th from 5-7pm


Michael & Wolfgang’s work will be on display from

June 29th through July 15th at Disorder Gallery