Alan Rose - The Light Art Show


Alan Rose’s practice has for a number of years investigated 3-dimensional geometry, and in particular how it interacts with light and shadow.

This show takes the concept one step further with the use of UV light, which is employed to activate various materials such as fluorescent papers, paints and acrylic plastics. In addition, he has introduced a kinetic element, with moving lights producing shadows in motion.

This exhibition includes The Ryo-anji series, a reference to the famous Japanese garden in Kyoto, where the field (white pebbles) is in perfect harmony with the form (large rocks). Alan’s work aims to induce maximum impact in the mind of the viewer and, hopefully, prolonged contemplation of each artwork.


Join us for opening night of D/O.63 The Light Art Show

Thursday August 25th from 6pm-8pm

Alan’s work will be on display from

August 24th to September 10th at Disorder Gallery