Take a Night Walk through a Subconscious Landscape

Disorder Gallery will close 'Electric Pin Ups and Acid Soda' this weekend, but will soon open 'A New Way of Seeing

These unique works from Brenton Schwab portray a life long passion for discovery, combined with keen observation and drawing skills. Brenton began drawing in the 1980s as a way to describe microscopic organisms. It was through this scientific practice that Brenton found “a new way of seeing” and a need to further his exploration of art. 

Letting his instinctive visual language take over, the randomness of chance marks driven by his subconscious create an unexpected conversation on the canvas, producing his unique landscapes. 

Easter 17 Schwab2017 75x61cm acrylic on 6mm marine plywood.jpg

 'A New Way of Seeing' Opens Friday March 9th 6-8pm, and will also be open during this season's Art Night Walk East Sydney. So if you can't make opening night, please join us March 15th from 6-8pm for a glass of wine and a journey through a subconscious landscape. Maps will be available in all the participating galleries. 
